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The right job for you. Throughout your working life.

Job requirements change over the course of a lifetime. And our working world is also constantly changing. That's why we attach great importance to providing you with a wide range of advanced education and training opportunities. This way you can stay up to date in your job. Or you can develop yourself with the help of our offers in another task that interests you.

For all colleagues

The offers of our education management

In addition to the compulsory training courses that are important for our organisation, you will find courses on interdisciplinary topics in the areas of health and communication as well as practical offers for health promotion. We are currently paying special attention to new, exciting courses in the area of leadership skills.


Your contact person:

Jara Hintke

Head of Education Management
Phone: 0471 299-2411


In our current flyer, you will find more information about registration and our course offers. Simply click on the following link to download. Would you like to register directly online using the registration form? Then click here:

Phone: 0421 222938-10 und 0421 222938-11


Training brochure (PDF)

This brochure is only available in German.

I chose Klinikum Bremerhaven because of the opportunities for further training.

Liane B., Nurse

For physicians

Our advanced training authorisations

With 15 clinics and two institutes, we are of a size that offers an exceptionally large number of opportunities for your professional development. Are you looking for a suitable hospital for your specialist training? We have a wide range of advanced training authorisations. You also have access to the AMBOSS knowledge and training platform.


Advanced training authorisations (WBE 2023)

For nurses, STAs, ATAs and other health professionals

Our training and advanced education offer

With over 30 wards in the hospital, there is plenty of room for professional development - if you so wish. But in nursing, too, scientific knowledge is developing rapidly. We want you to benefit from this just as much as our patients. Take a look at our training and advanced education programme for our nursing staff:

Your contact person:

Heidi-Susann Fischer

Knowledge Management
Phone: 0471 299-2124


Advanced training offers

(German language only)