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You want to know more about this apprenticeship? Then join us for our Instagram Live Event: Thursday, Mai 30th 2024 at 14:30 Uhr (event will be held in German).
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Come to the difference-makers
Do you like working with people and are you looking for a job with meaning and a future? Then an apprenticeship to become a nursing specialist is the right thing for you. Do you want to actively shape the future of nursing? Perfect. We think nursing in a new and slightly different way.

What you will learn during your apprenticeship
The content of the apprenticeship is to learn nursing and care for people of all ages in the areas of nursing, paediatric nursing and care for the elderly.
Basic care is about, for example, how to position people in need of help or how to support them with food intake and personal hygiene. As a nursing specialist, you also work with relatives and instruct them in special nursing techniques. In consultation with the attending physicians, you treat wounds or give infusions. You assist in examinations, administer prescribed medication and prepare patients for surgical procedures. In addition, you take on organisational and administrative tasks such as determining nursing needs and planning, coordinating and documenting nursing measures. You are also involved in patient admission, quality assurance and the administration of the medication stock.
Further links in German language:
Professional nursing practice at the hospital
Advanced Practice Nursing

Your apprenticeship takes place here
The Nursing Academy Seestadt Bremerhaven at the Bremerhaven-Reinkenheide Hospital (PSB) not only has a long name, but also a long tradition. It is the oldest nursing school in Bremerhaven. It was founded in 1952 and is located in its own building directly at KBR in Postbrookstraße 91a. Bright and openly designed classrooms create a pleasant teaching and learning atmosphere to combine theory and practice. The theoretical part of your apprenticeship takes place here in the form of block teaching.
Since KBR is a maximum-care hospital, we offer you almost all practical areas of assignment directly at the hospital – a five-minute walk away from the nursing academy. In the practical part of your apprenticeship, we work according to the home ward principle. This means that you will always come "home" to the ward where you are first assigned, and you will also take your exams there.
The course of your apprenticeship
In principle, practical assignments and theory blocks alternate throughout your three-year apprenticeship. The sequence of your practical assignments is as follows:
Possibilities for deepening
This is not the case everywhere: In the third year of training, you can choose between three options for intensifying the content of your apprenticeship:
- Inpatient acute care
- Paediatric care
- Psychiatric care
School ward
We are particularly proud of this: our school ward. It is a section of ward 6a in our Clinic for General, Visceral, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery in the main KBR building. Here, up to nine patients are cared for exclusively by trainees from different semesters on early and late duty. The trainees learn from each other and with each other to plan and carry out the care of the patients together and to check the success. In their learning process, they are supported and challenged by the practice supervisors and the teachers of the nursing academy.Modern technology in training
Chalk and blackboard are a thing of the past; here, we learn digitally. All our classrooms have smartboards. You can download the new materials after each lesson via our digital learning platform. Thanks to camera equipment, distance learning is also possible. You can try out more difficult steps in practice on our digital skill lab dolls safely and at your leisure.Best chances of being taken on
If you are looking for a secure future with a large employer with great opportunities for development, welcome to join us. As things stand today, there are already over 900 registered nurses working at the centre. Your chances of being accepted into this group after your apprenticeship are excellent.

This is how you can apply
Your application should include the following documents:
- Short letter
- Curriculum vitae
- School-leaving certificates or other certificates if available
If you are not a German citizen and are interested in an apprenticeship, please include your B2 language certificate, copies of your certified translated school-leaving certificates and, ideally, recognition of your certificate in the federal state of Bremen with your application.
Please send us your application, preferably digitally:
Ms Judith Hartmann
Head of Nursing Academy
Nursing Academy Seestadt Bremerhaven am Klinikum Bremerhaven-Reinkenheide
Postbrookstraße 91a
27574 Bremerhaven
Our FAQs
You are welcome to try it out. We offer internships or a voluntary social year in nursing.
You can take the exam or final examination after three years of training at the earliest. It is not possible to reduce this period.
As a trainee, you will be paid according to the Collective Agreement TVAöD BT Pflege. Currently, this amounts to € 1190.69 euros per month during the first year of training, € 1252.07 during the second and € 1353.38 during the third. In addition, you are entitled to special payments, supplements and bonuses regulated by the Collective Agreement.
Den TVAöD BT Pflege kann man hier als PDF herunterladen:
(This information is only available in German.)
You will receive 30 days of holiday per year during your apprenticeship. Of these, 20 days are planned by the nursing academy and 10 days can be planned flexibly.
We start every year with two training courses: On the first of April and on the first of August.
You should be at least 16 years old.
To start an apprenticeship, you need at least a good intermediate school leaving certificate.
First the bad news: the apprenticeship is full-time. However: we are preparing our academy to offer part-time apprenticeship in the near future.
Language and communication are important in care. If you don't feel confident with the language yet, do a voluntary social year with us. After a year in our ward teams, you learn the language very well! In individual cases and by individual arrangement, language courses are also possible with us. At least B2 level (certified) is required for the start of apprenticeship.
Several graduates before you have already achieved this successfully. We are happy to take your time constraints into account when planning the practical assignments. Therefore, a clear yes!
You can complete a nursing apprenticeship course beforehand. However, there is also a quicker way: training as a surgical technical assistant (STA) or an anaesthesiological assistant (ATA). The apprenticeship also starts in August.
You can choose between three options for a specialisation during the third year of the apprenticeship:
- Inpatient acute care
- Paediatric care
- Psychiatric care
Test yourself in an internship, federal voluntary service or a voluntary social year – and let’s see what happens!
Nowadays, physician’s assistants are called medical assistants (MFA). This job is more oriented towards the processes and organisation in practices. As a nurse, you can be deployed more universally. Ultimately, you decide for yourself. We are happy to help - just contact us.